We got the girls new car seats this past weekend. They were still able to use the infant carriers but honestly, the girls are getting way too heavy to carry in them and the weather has finally changed over to spring, so we decided, why not?
We took the girls with us to pick them out. We went there thinking we were going with Britax and the sales dude quickly changed our minds. The seats we went with are WAY better..lol This seats are the BOMB! They are very user friendly and seem higher end that the Britax we were looking at. Here is a link to the seat we went with
Evenflo Triumph Advance Premier
Now granted, they don't have cute covers like the Britax does but everything else seems pretty much the same, if not better and the price tag is WAY better!! We walked out paying almost the same amount for both seats that we were planning on spending for just one of the other seats.
The girls seem to like them too. I think they felt too crunched up in their infant seats. These seats take up a little more room than their old seats so poor big brother, Joshua, is even more squished back there. In fact, starting July 1st, we won't be able to legally drive anywhere as a family because a new law in michigan will take effect. Any child under 8 must be in a booster seat. Our back seat is not big enough (width) to fit 3 car seats. -sigh- We need a vehicle with 3rd row seating but we just bought the trailblazer 1.5 years ago so of course we owe more on the thing than it's worth.
The girls are doing wonderfully. I think they are both pretty close to sitting up. They are 4 months and 3 weeks old and they hate laying down, they want to be sitting up. As long as we have a finger on them for a tad bit of support, they can sit there for quite some time. Life will become much easier once they can sit unassisted. It will be nice to sit them on the floor to play with toys and each other.
They are both teething pretty badly. No teeth yet, just drool and chewing on everything. Luckily sleep has gotten even better. Samantha has slept 11 hours straight for the past few nights. That's been really nice. Addison is still sleeping well too but still gets up after about 8 hours to eat and then she goes right back down.
So..Dusty and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary yesterday. That was really nice. We went to
benihana. We had a pretty good time. The Chef wasn't as animated as Dusty has experienced in the past and the family sitting with us complained a lot. But other than that- we really enjoyed ourselves.
Oh, I almost forgot. We signed up Joshua for t-ball. We received a call from the organizer this past weekend and apparently they don't have a coach for the team. The guy asked if I wanted to coach the team. I told him no immediately but told him I would talk to my husband to see if he was interested. I got off the phone and told Dusty. He immediately said no too. lol He ended up calling the guy back and found out that he had called all the parents and no one was interested in coaching. Dusty then decided to agree to coach the team, even though he doesn't know the first thing about t-ball. Dusty doesn't watch baseball and has never shown interest in the sport. (we're a hockey family) The guy wanted Dusty to meet him right then and there, so Dusty ran up to city hall and came home with a stack of papers, roster and equipment. OMG! What have we gotten ourselves into!! We have to plan practices and the whole bit. It's a bit overwhelming, to me, because this is our first year in t-ball so we are seriously flying by the seat of our pants. Dusty called the entire team today and he said everyone seemed really nice. WHEW! What a relief. Our first game is June 10th. I'll keep you guys updated how this goes and of course, I'll be taking tons of pictures!!