So anyway, what has been going on with us? Nothing really exciting. I recently signed up on this site called You pay for a membership and every week you get a list of items at rock bottom prices. My local stores are Meijer, Kroger, Walgreens and Rite Aid. The idea is to pair up coupons with sale items to get the "rock bottom" price. Then you stockpile on these items while they are at that special price.
I must say that is requires a bit of time but so far, it's been well worth it. I'm in week 3 of the "game" and have spent not one penny more on groceries or health/beauty items than I normally do but I have at least 2 years worth of toothpaste, body wash, shampoo/conditioner, grooming items, medicine...etc. And months worth of diapers, soup, pop, chicken..etc Pretty cool!!
If you want to check it out, go to If you do decide to sign up, they have a referral program. If you don't have anyone else referring you, you could always put my email in (
Here is Addison helping me shop today (Samantha was in the stroller)
He is doing great! He hasn't had any problems at school since the first week. The rewards chart is working like a charm. So far his rewards have consisted of the movies, Grand Blanc Family Fun Fest, going out to eat and having video game night. His goal is to earn ice skating but the family has been sick the past couple weeks so we wanted to wait till everyone was well enough.
They are both doing good too. They are almost done with their antibiotics. They both started improving within a day of getting them. It was miserable.
They have both slept through the night the past 2 nights and have had 2 days of good naps. This helps me out so much. I hope the trend continues.
They are no longer eating baby food now. We have a few things of it left and it will get used but they are eating regular people food now and are loving it. They have both mastered the sippie and I can't wait till the bottle is completely gone. I'm so sick of washing the Dr. Brown's. They are the best bottles but they require so many pieces, it's a pain to wash them.
Both of the girls are cruising all over the place. I'm sure it won't be long till they take their first steps.
I'm in the process of planning their first birthday party. It will be the typical princess girl theme. I'm going to attempt to make them tutu's. We'll see how that goes.
He is finally getting over his illness. He had a sinus infection and bad ear infection. He has been sick for 3 weeks now. I think he is definitely over the hump.
We have been talking the past few days about his left over vacation days for the year. He has to take them because his company does not roll over vacation days. He had 12.5 days left! So we sat down today, while he was at work and hammered out what days he should take. How fun! This is his last full week of work for the rest of the year. Every week from here on out is a maximum 4 days and minimum of 0 days. He gets some good days off work automatically, so once we paired those with vacation days- he gets 2.5 weeks off in December, 1.5 weeks off in November and countless 3, 4 or even 5 day weekends from here on out. WOOHOO!!
His 29th birthday is coming up (Oct 17th). He has already received his b-day present from me. For father's day this year, he asked for a PSP ($200). Due to the price, we combined father's day with his birthday. He also bought an accessory or two (case and maybe something else) so he is all set there. I know Josh wants to get him something and I'm sure we'll go shopping but that's all I'll say on that (Dusty.. I know you're reading..) We'll do the traditional dinner with my dad. Get together with my Mom and most likely, dinner with his mom (and possibly his brother- who knows)
Life gets to busy doesn't it??
Glad every seems to be doing well.
You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!
Sounds like everyone is doing well, Glad Dusty has some short work weeks coming up that will be nice through the holidays.
I can't wait until we get more vacation days, Ed used almost all of them all up taking someone to all their appts, funeral, etc.
Okay...question though the grocery thing, you said you aren't spending any more than you usually do, so are you saving anything then? I'm confused??
Yes Brooke, I'm saving money overall because I'm getting a ton more groceries and health/beauty stuff for the same amount as I was spending before.
For example. If a normal grocery shopping trip cost me $75 before, it still has cost me about the same but the amount of groceries I'm getting now is more than double than it was before. Does that make sense?
My grocery bills will start getting smaller and smaller because I have stocked on some items that I won't need to buy again for a long time, kwim?
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