Whew! It's been awhile.
This will be a quick run down of what has been happening here. Joshua turned 6 years old on November 26th! What a big boy! To celebrate, we took him to a local indoor water park. This year, we took along his best friend Kirstin. He lovingly refers to her as his wife.
See, when Dusty and I got married almost 2 years ago, Kirstin was the flower girl and Joshua was our ring bearer, so they walked down the aisle together. For awhile, they thought they were actually married to each other. Cute!
So anyway, Kirstin stayed the night with us the night before and we got up early and headed to the water park. It was an awesome time. For the first few hours, there were only about 10 people in the entire place. Even at it's busiest, there were maybe 30 people. Both kids had a blast. We bought a waterproof disposable camera. The shots came out TERRIBLE! I don't recommend them AT ALL. Save your money. At least I have some pictures on my cell phone that came out OK. We're having some problems with our computer right now, so I can't share any of those pictures.
A few days after we went to the water park, we had the girl's 1st birthday party. I have those pictures already uploaded so I can share some of them. The girls had a great time. I was afraid they might get overwhelmed but they didn't. They ate up the attention!

The following weekend was their actual birthday. The poor girls got sick almost immediately after their party. I believe the next day. They were puking and Addison had terrible diarrhea. It seemed to get better and then get worse again. Finally, on their birthday, I couldn't take it anymore. I called our doctor's after hours phone number. She called back almost immediately and said that Samantha needed to go to the ER due to excessive puking and lack of wet diapers. She said we might as well take Addison in too.
Addison threw up in the waiting room. Luckily they got us back pretty quickly. We waited for maybe 10-15 minutes. Samantha was running a 103.5 temp and Addison's was 99.6. They gave Samantha some motrin and then took us to their beds. Samantha didn't last long in her bed before a nurse came and moved her to her own room. She needed more attention. They were really concerned for her. She ended up getting a cath to check her urine, which came back negative. They also had to give her an IV. That was HORRIBLE!. They also did some bloodwork. Her white blood cell count was really high so they knew she had some sort of infection. Because the level was so high, they ended up doing a spinal tap. That, too, came back negative, thank God!
We were sent home about 7hrs later with a script for amoxicillian. Addison was released after about 2 hours. She was fine, just a virus that needed to work it's way out of her system. We had a follow up 3 days later with our doctor. The girls showed definite improvements but still weren't 100%. They both had lost a pound each. We go back in 2 weeks to complete their 1 year well baby exam.
Today, both girls seem to be 100%. They are back to their normal happy selves.