This was the first time she got to meet the girls. She has been chomping at the bit to get her hands on them. Her husband, my pawpaw, was a twin himself. He had a twin sister. A fun little fact about this is that him and his twin sister were actually his parents 3rd set of twins!! They were the babies of the family. My pawpaw died last year so he never knew that I was pregnant with twins. As far as we know, I am the first family member since my pawpaw's mom, to have twins.
Even at 75 years old, my Memaw sat on the floor and played with the girls every single day. She did everything but change their diapers. I was very impressed!!! Samantha fell asleep on Memaw a few times but this particular time, I took pictures because of the way Samantha was lying. I thought it was SO cute!! Both girls fought sleep a lot with all the commotion going on this past week.
Memaw left today. Her flight was suppose to leave at 5:30 and naturally, it was 2+ hours behind schedule due to bad weather in Atlanta. Sigh...I feel bad because I know she was nervous to begin with and then had to sit on the plane for a couple hours before finally taking off. I just hope the flight itself was smooth.
Here is a picture of Memaw holding both of the girls.

The house is so peaceful right now. I'm laying on one couch with my laptop and Dusty is sitting on the other couch playing pool on the xbox 360. All 3 kids are sleeping and we are taking advantage of the silence. What a crazy week and although I'm happy to be enjoying the silence, I am quite sad that Memaw's visit is already over.
Baby update:
Both girls ended the visit with teeth!! Samantha had her first tooth pop through on Saturday July 26th and Addison's popped through on Sunday the 27th. It pretty much happened with out much complaint from either of them. I expected some major drool and crankiness but that didn't really occur.
Addison and Samantha are starting to scare me with how mobile they are becoming..YIKES!! They aren't crawling but they are rolling around like crazy and Samantha can make it from one side of the living room to the other in just a matter of seconds! Addison got up on all fours today for a split second. They can go from sitting to tummy without falling over... they are actually doing it on purpose.
Addison is babbling a lot too. Her sounds are yayayaya, mamamama, bababababa. They aren't associated with anything yet but it's so cute to hear them. Samantha is our squealer. She is just like mama. I love a good squeal every now and then =) She has also been making a lot of noises too.
-yawn- ok, I'm going to wrap this up now. I'm tired. It's been a long week/day. Good night!